Interview with Alice Gautreau

02 May 2017
Volume 25 · Issue 5


Alice Gautreau was deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Doctors Without Borders, where she worked as Midwife Activity Manager. She agreed to be interviewed by BJM

I've always wanted to go and work in Africa. When I was a student midwife I did my elective placement in Ethiopia and I loved it—I had the best time so I wanted to work there again as soon as I could. I always wanted to work for Doctors Without Borders as well because I'd grown up seeing them, seeing what they did on TV. I grew up in France and their actions have a strong media presence here, so I saw what they were doing, where they were going, and I always wanted to work for them. Then, when I finished my three years of experience in a London hospital, I decided to apply to Doctors Without Borders—actually, I did not choose to go and work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), they sent me there. I could have refused but I decided to go because I was really excited and, yeah, really happy I did.

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