This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Choice of place of birth: Is it really that simple?

On 3rd December 2014, the much awaited updated National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines on intrapartum care were published (NICE, 2014). The guidelines focus on the care of healthy...

Postnatal care, not vouchers, will increase breastfeeding rates

It is well known that in the UK, despite initial breastfeeding rates being relatively high, maintining these rates are a problem; the amount of women continuing to exclusively breastfeed past 6 weeks...

Changing attitudes to mental illness

The mental health profile has been raised in recent months, and about time. In 2010/11 over 1.25 million adults accessed NHS services for severe or enduring mental health problems (Health and Social...

Cast your votes now

In response to the Government's announcement in March that 60% of NHS staff will not get any pay rise this year and only those at the top of their bands will receive a 1% unconsolidated lump sum, the...

Turning assignments into articles

It is that time of year again when newly qualified midwives are starting their first posts and eager new student midwives are beginning their courses. These new beginnings have been on many people's...

End FGM from the ground up

On 22 July, the Government and UNICEF, held the first Girl Summit aimed at mobilising efforts at home and abroad to end female genital mutilation (FGM) and child, early and forced marriage (CEFM)...

Positive steps in public health

It isn't often that there is so much good news in the press surrounding midwifery. On 19 June the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC, 2014) released new figures showing the prevalence of...

Is there such thing as safe drug use in pregnancy?

From nausea and sickness to depression, it is universally acknowledged that pregnant women get ill. However, drug taking in pregnancy is a contentious issue and most midwives and doctors steer clear...

Communication is a two-way street

It is well known that effective communication encompasses both verbal and non-verbal methods. Hurst-Brown and Keens (1990) identified eight areas that are required in order to be able to successfully...

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