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Furthering our understanding

02 August 2024
Volume 32 · Issue 8


The author of Lennon (2024) responds to the Letter to the Editor on their research article on biomechanics and fetal positioning

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for taking the time to write to the editor and providing me with the opportunity to address the points that you have highlighted.

On re-reading the article, I think my choice of wording ‘during labour and birth’ in the sentence in paragraph two of the introduction was my mistake. This should read ‘the biomechanics of the body during pregnancy in preparation for labour and birth’, as this is what I wished to describe. The term biomechanics, as used throughout the article, then reflects the reference used from Conder et al (2019) to describe how the body adapts in pregnancy. These findings have provided pregnancy healthcare workers with a better understanding of what changes occur in pregnancy, and can be used to help pregnant people adapt their posture to overcome some of the mobility and pelvic girdle issues that are frequently encountered (Clarke-Patterson et al, 2022).

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