This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Exploring the value of group supervision in midwifery. Part 2: Evaluation of data from Wales

Following the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO, 2013) report Midwifery supervision and regulation: recommendations for change and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2015a)...

Exploring the value of group supervision in midwifery: Part 1

Following the findings from three investigations into complaints from families relating to local midwifery supervision and regulation at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, the...

What do midwives think about midwifery supervision?

The overarching aim of midwifery supervision is to ensure that women and their babies receive high-quality and safe care This goal is enshrined in the Midwives rules and standards (Nursing and...

Current perceptions of statutory supervision of midwifery: Time for change?

Statutory supervision of midwifery has been part of the regulatory framework for midwives since the Midwives Registration Act in 1902 The aim of this framework is to safeguard women and their babies...

Drug administration in midwifery: Confusion, illegal practice and the supervisor of midwives

A published audit (Birch and Culshaw, 2003) and personal experience provides evidence that midwives sometimes administer prescription-only medicines (POM) in the absence of an emergency without a...

Supervisory investigation as part of the wider risk management process

One of the greatest achievements of the past 10 years is the acknowledgement that medical, nursing and midwifery error can lead to patient harm and instigate more open discussion by health...

An audit into supervisors of midwives experience of supervision

An audit was undertaken to explore supervisors of midwives' (SoMs') experience of supervision across a local supervising authority (LSA) Supervision forms part of the professional regulation for...

Born before arrival: Supervision in action

Incident reporting at Birmingham Women's Foundation NHS Trust identified an increase in the numbers of babies born before the arrival (or attendance) (BBA) of a midwife in both an unplanned or planned...

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