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Emergency remote teaching for interprofessional education during COVID-19: student experiences

02 January 2022
Volume 30 · Issue 1


This is the third in a series of articles exploring experiences of engaging with interprofessional education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article focuses on experiences of emergency remote teaching from the student perspective, considering the enablers and barriers to effective learning and taking into account the logistical, technological and theoretical considerations for facilitating an authentic learning experience in line with professional standards. A global perspective of interprofessional education during lockdown is provided through case studies, providing an opportunity to benchmark against examples of best practice to ensure online interprofessional education is successful in preparing students to work within a multiprofessional, multi-agency team to provide high-quality care through effective team working.

There is a growing interest in the use of online learning in interprofessional education in part because of the emergency remote teaching implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article explores student experiences of online interprofessional education considering midwifery competencies and ways to promote effective online approaches. Specifically, the paper will identify intersecting competencies in midwifery and interprofessional education, describe online teaching and learning activities that target interprofessional education competencies in midwifery education and discuss the nuanced student experiences of online interprofessional education and emergency remote teaching using case studies. The article concludes with advice on ensuring the interactivity, effectiveness, and relevance of online interprofessional education in the midst of the changing landscapes of health professions and midwifery education.

Recently, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led many educational providers to adapt to an online delivery mode. The first article in this series (Power et al, 2021) explored definitions of online learning and emergency remote teaching, identified the different ways that technology can enhance interprofessional learning, and discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on midwifery pre-registration education, including interprofessional education. This article extends this discussion by focusing on student experiences. The key terms discussed in this article are defined in Box 1.

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